My Name is Jovi!

Adopt Me
Breed DSH
Color White
Age Baby
Sex Male
Size small
Hair Short Hair
Wave Image

My Info

  • Neutered
  • Shots Up to Date
  • Good with Dogs
  • Good with Kids
  • Good with Cats

My Story

Aloha! I'm Jovi & I'm 8 weeks old! My foster mom says, "It’s the hair! I think he will have beautiful long white fur when he is grown with a tan tail and diamond on his nose. Most pictures of him come out a blur - he’s quick and loves to wrestle. He’s definitely in his ankle biter toddler phase but has learned some restraint already. He also loves to cuddle up and rub against his person while purring loudly. He’s also good with my adult dog." Apply to adopt me today! 

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