My Name is Mana!

Adopt Me
Breed DSH
Color Black
Age Young
Sex Male
Size small
Hair short haired
Wave Image

My Info

  • Neutered
  • Shots Up to Date
  • Good with Dogs
  • Good with Kids
  • Good with Cats

My Story

Aloha, I'm Mana! My foster mom says, "Mana is the cat of all cats. He’s sweet, loving and is oh so soft. He loves to be picked up never fusses to be put down. He’s also the cuddle champ. Any time I take a moment to sit on my couch Mana is always the first to run up on my lap looking for some pets and cuddles. Mana is also the fastest cat in the wild west reigning supreme as the first to pounce and catch any cat toy that comes his way." Apply to adopt me today! 

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